NURS 6052 Assessment 3 EB003 Clinical Inquiry, Problem-Intervention-ComparisonOutcome-Time (PICOT), and Searching Databases
In a general population, how has pediatric patients’ mental health, compared to other diseases, been affected since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic?
Formulating the PICOT Question
A well-constructed PICOT question is essential for identifying and addressing issues in pediatric nursing practice through evidence-based approaches. The components of PICOT—population, intervention, comparison, outcome, and time frame—ensure clarity and guide research efforts.
Research Databases
Utilizing peer-reviewed articles and databases such as Education Source, MEDLINE, ProQuest, and OVID is crucial for ensuring the validity and reliability of data in nursing research. Combining these resources with the PICOT framework facilitates the development of evidence-based practices for practical implementation.
Levels of Evidence and Strengths
Level 1 research, involving systematic reviews and meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials, offers robust evidence for informing clinical practice. Randomized controlled trials help evaluate the effectiveness of interventions, while systematic reviews aid in identifying and evaluating relevant studies on specific clinical issues.
Fitzpatrick, O., Carson, A., & Weisz, J. R. (2021). Using mixed methods to identify the primary mental health problems and needs of children, adolescents, and their caregivers during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Child Psychiatry & Human Development, 52(6), 1082-1093.
AJN. (2021, September). The Psychological Toll of COVID-19 on Children: AJN The American Journal of Nursing. American Journal of Nursing.